Eric Ribbens
Western Illinois University
Macomb, Illinois
Dr. Eric Ribbens: Publications webpage
My Wired Herbarium Publications
Western Illinois University
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455
United States
P (309) 255-1650
Eric Ribbens
Professor, Western Illinois University
The Society of Herbarium Curators publishes a newsletter, The Vasculum, twice a year. For more than six years now I've been writing a regular column, called The Wired Herbarium. My column is about various aspects of internet or computer stuff as it applies to managing and digitizing herbarium specimens.

13. Ribbens, Eric. 2012. The Wired Herbarium #13: Taxonomic Name Resolution Service 3.0. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators) 7(2), July 2012.

12. Ribbens, Eric. 2012. The Wired Herbarium #12: Two herbarium websites: PNU and FSU. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators) 7(1), January 2012.

11. Ribbens, Eric, Franck, Alan. 2011. The Wired Herbarium #11: Incorporating digital images. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators) 6(2), July 2011.

10. Ribbens, Eric, Park, Isaac. 2011. The Wired Herbarium #10: Phenological data. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators) 6(1), January 2011.

9. Ribbens, Eric. 2010. The Wired Herbarium #9: vPLANTS. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators) 5(2), July 2010.

8. Ribbens, Eric. 2010. The Wired Herbarium #8:The Pacific Northwest consortium website. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators) 5(1), January 2010.

7. Ribbens, Eric, Thiers, Barbara. 2009. The Wired Herbarium #7: Index Herbariorum. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators), July 2009.

6. Ribbens, Eric, Hanson, Curtis. 2009. The Wired Herbarium #6: Herbarium Webpages: The LSU Herbarium. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators), January 2009.

5. Ribbens, Eric. 2008. The Wired Herbarium #5: herbarium@home. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators), July 2008.

4. Ribbens, Eric. 2008. The Wired Herbarium #4: Aluka. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators), January 2008.

3. Ribbens, Eric. 2007. The Wired Herbarium #3: TROPICOS and IPNI. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators), July 2007.

2. Ribbens, Eric. 2007. The Wired Herbarium #2: USDA. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators), January 2007.

1. Ribbens, Eric. 2006. The Wired Herbarium #1: Introduction. In The Vasculum (newsletter of the Society for Herbarium Curators), July 2006.